Take a look at what I have been working on!

Weather app

Workout app

In this weather application project I have used HTML, CSS and React JSX to build a simple but practical weather app for the users. React was used to create custom controls for web pages, and AJAX calls. The goal of the project is to provide timely forecasts for different parts of the world so that people can better plan their lives according to current conditions.
Built with HTML, CSS and React JSX

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Dictionary app

Dictionary app

In this project, i have built a dictionary application using React and other front-end development tools. I learnt how to use React as a foundation for building user interfaces and handling data. React is an excellent library for creating user interfaces and databases. React will also make our project easier to create and more user-friendly.
Built with HTML, CSS and React

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Workout app

Workout app

Here is the HTML and CSS simple page project I built in foundational coding course. It is a basic landing page that has two sections: one for contact information, and the other for displaying content. The content section includes a form to collect contact information from visitors. Overall, I enjoyed creating and using my project.
Built with HTML and CSS

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Translation app

Translation involves making a new text that accurately reflects the original meaning while also accommodating all variations in grammar, syntax, and punctuation found in both languages. I am likely to face some challenges while coding it. However, I am optimistic about the project and am looking forward to completing it.
Built with HTML and CSS

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